Franz Haas Sofi Muller Thurgau Bianco IGT


¥180.00 Price drop reminder
  • Origin Italy

Total ¥180.00
PRODUCTION AREA: Muller Thurgau grapes are cultivated with a traditionalPergola and Guyot method at variable altitudes rangingbetween 500 and 800 meters above sea level. The soilis a mix of clay and porphyry and the vineyards areexposed to the south and southwest
WINEMAKINGA: fter a short maceration to help extract aromas, thecrushed,previously destemmed grapes are gentlypressed. Then the must is fermented at a controlledtemperature in stainless steel tanks and left to refinethere for about five months before another brief periodin the bottle.
WINE DESCRIPTION: The Muller Thurgau is of a lively straw yellow color, witharomas reminiscent of Muscat notes, fresh fruit, peachesand flowers (yellow primrose), ending on an elegantand full-bodied taste with a very pleasant savory finish.With compelling simplicity and fresh acidity, the winealready seduces even while young.
FOOD PAIRING: The wine can be served as an aperitif or as a simplecombination of Mediterranean light meals, fish saladsand fresh goat cheese.

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